“Keep your politics off my fantasy…movies”

     Remember that incredible scene in 'The Empire Strikes Back' where Han Solo makes an emotional soliloquy about the state of the environment? 
     Or where Master Yoda pines about wage inequality between genders?
     How about when Darth Vader so eloquently describes the rampant corporate greed and corruption crippling our society? 
     Oh, that's right. They didn't.
     And yet this film is still considered by many to be one of the best sci-fi adventure movies ever created. How is this possible? I mean, it had no agenda other than to entertain droves of kids and adults who just wanted to escape daily life for a couple hours. The filmmakers focused on great storytelling, groundbreaking special effects, a melodic soundtrack, and great chemistry between the characters. They focused on the art of filmmaking with the primary intent of entertaining (not to mention making a few bucks), all while furthering movie-making technology and techniques.    
   With the explosion of new streaming movie titles offered every day, the phrase, “They just don't make em like that anymore." comes to mind. Filmmakers now appear to be focusing on agendas, pleasing sponsors, and the potential profit they hope to earn from their project. Special effects are either the entire focus or an afterthought given that many films now have effects comparable to those seen on your typical TV program...or are even worse. Plots are flimsy, the acting is questionable, and cast chemistry usually consists of a few recognizable names thrown together for packaging. Corporate art at its finest.
   Although there are countless options at your fingertips and you can watch pretty much anything in the comfort of your own home, this glut of readily available content is also a reason why movies aren't that special anymore. Like many things readily available today, movies are another casualty of the Law of Diminishing Returns and desensitization. Movies used to be a big deal because there weren't nearly as many of them and you had to wait for some time for their release. You not only had to go to your local theater, but had to secure your tickets and stand in line with all the other excited fans. The movie theater was a real experience; the size, the booming sounds, with an electricity and smell of buttered popcorn permeating the air. Although younger movie fans might cringe at all this effort to see a movie, you have to ask if falling asleep on the couch in your pajamas with the 'Are you still watching?' prompt on your television is a the outcome the movie industry was hoping for.  
   People often associate that because something is new must mean it is better, but I think we are starting to see that some things are just better the way they were. Although some people believe they would be perfectly content never needing to leave their home for anything, I think COVID showed us how poorly most citizens fare when they don't even have to get dressed each day. 
  Examining social issues is critical to ensure that underrepresented voices be heard, that crime and corruption are exposed, and our health, safety, and environment protected. However, there is already a much better medium available to accomplish this; they are called documentaries. The last thing I want when I go visit 'a galaxy far far away' is to be taken right back to the Milky Way and dumped on Earth to revisit various challenges facing our society or a social agenda the studio wants to promote.
   I could just stay home and watch the news.


“Chase passions, not irons”