“The Call of Dopamina”

   That sounds like a great fantasy novel title, no?  A powerful siren named Dopamina bewitching hapless victims to do her bidding? 
   Ironically, she is already here in everyday life; her song resonating loudly through some of our favorite activities.  
   3,4-Dihydroxyphenethylamine, or Dopamine, is an important neurotransmitter involved in several neurochemical processes, one being reward-motivated behavior. Although Dopamine is commonly associated with pleasure due to the fact that many addictive drugs increase its levels in the brain, it is believed to actually be responsible for motivation (achieving or abandoning a desired outcome) for a perceived reward. Therefore, Dopamine serves a very powerful function in human behavior with a wide variety of applications, benefits, and challenges. High levels of Dopamine result in impulsivity, while low levels are seen in Parkinson's Disease and ADHD.
   Many daily activities stimulate the release of Dopamine in a feedback loop fashion. To illustrate this, let's use social media as an example. Likes, shares, and positive feedback on social platforms trigger the release of Dopamine, which can motivate an individual to check their posts frequently for more positive feedback. As that individual is praised, more Dopamine is released, creating a continuous feedback loop that can be difficult to escape. Although social media can be a useful communication and marketing tool when used properly, rates of anxiety, isolation, and depression have increased significantly since its inception, primarily in young adults. In fact, studies have shown that anxiety and depression rates increase proportionately with the length of time one is engaged. This also holds true for video gaming, gambling, comfort eating, and other activities. Excessive amounts of Dopamine have been shown to be causative in both anxiety and depression, so it comes as little surprise to see those excessively engaged in reward-motivated behavior ending up anxious, distracted, depressed, and addicted. 
   The solution? Yes, you guessed it. Two words that are becoming less and less popular in modern societies: "Moderation" and "Discipline". Exercising them can seem counterintuitive and arduous, but their benefits tend to be farther reaching, longer lasting, and even more rewarding. Nothing will ever build self-confidence and a positive self image like putting in the work to achieve something you never thought you could. Like Queen Annla reminds Bengent in 'Eversteel', "Anything worth having tends to be difficult. Far too many see challenge as a curse, while those who welcome it become greater for doing so.". It turns out that you usually do get what you pay for.
   So, although it can be difficult to pull ourselves away from our cell phone, that video game, that TV marathon, those cookies, or that slot machine, it is important to remember that these diversions are just that; diversions. They allow us to tune out our surroundings, keep us out of the present moment, and occupy our time. Their call is quite seductive as it lures us to something easy, familiar, and comfortable. Although they definitely have their place and brighten life in small doses, succumbing to their song too often will only tighten their grip, keeping us away from other pursuits that can give our lives real meaning.


“Finish that project!”